Administrative Assistants
Kansas Cities
In order to keep AAKC moving forward, we ask that each member be a part of a committee. Please read the descriptions below and see what one would fit you best.
Professional Development
Advise the host city as the conference planning committee in regard to continuing education.
Develop and implement the Certified Municipal Assistant (CMA) program and review applications to be
presented at the conference business meeting.
Develop and implement the Nancy Crain Award program and review applications to be presented at the
conference business meeting.
Review scholarship applications.
Chair shall serve as the chair to the Election Committee.
Chair will prepare a semi-annual report to be presented at the conference business meeting.
Publications/Logo Standards
Provide oversight to maintain and update publications explaining the organization’s objectives, programs, and activities.
Review all AAKC publications, including apparel or gifts, for consistency as to artwork and logo standards established by the Publications/Logo Standards Committee.
Document conference activities with photos to be shared amongst committee members for preparation of published newsletter.
Prepare and distribute conference newsletters to the membership in a timely manner.
Chair will prepare a semi-annual report to be presented at the conference business meeting.
Members Affairs
Create and maintain the conference packet guidelines to be available on the AAKC website.
Create an evaluation form prior to each conference to be reviewed by this committee for assistance in planning future conferences.
Prepare and distribute electronically new member information packet.
Purchase gifts and other items for the following occasions up to $100, as deemed appropriate: Weddings, Babies, Sympathy and Retirement.
Maintain and acknowledge a current member birthday list.
Responsible for obtaining gifts for cities hosting conferences, up to $100.
Chair will prepare a semi-annual report to be presented at the conference business meeting.
Plan and promote methods to encourage and acquire new members.
Application forms shall be prepared by the Membership Committee and made available on the AAAKC website.
Applications for membership in the organization shall be made to the Membership Committee.
Assign a mentor to each new member for one (1) year.
Track, award, and present the Ten-Year Service Awards.
Welcome and recognize new members at their first meeting.
Chair will prepare a semi-annual report to be presented at the conference business meeting.
Website/Social Media
Promote our organization through website and social media.
Assist new members with navigation of the website.
Maintain and update website content.
Maintain and update social media content.
No fewer than two (2) administrators shall represent AAKC in any given social networking media, so that in the event one administrator is unable to manage or maintain a social networking site, and alternate is available.
The Executive Board has the right to remove any content that violates our Code of Ethics.
Chair will prepare a semi-annual report to be presented at the conference business meeting.